Great Plains Fellows: Sociology

Samantha AmmonsAssociate Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOWork-family-leisure boundaries and well-being; occupations; community and "little free libraries"; mixed methodology
Timi BaroneAssociate Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOMedical anthropology, ethnomedicine, human adaptation
Gustavo CarloMillsap Professor of Diversity, Multicultural StudiesUniversity of MissouriProsocial and moral development among children and adolescents, Latino families and youth
Miguel CarranzaProf., Director Emeritus, Latina/Latino Studies & SociologyUNLLatino/Chicano studies, immigrant communities; mentoring at-risk youth; minority/majority relations
Cristián Doña-RevecoAssociate Prof., Sociology & Anthropology, Director, Office of Latino/Latin American StudiesUNOLatin American migrations, social dimensions of immigration
Karen HansenVictor and Gwendolyn Beinfield Professor, SociologyBrandeis UniversityContemporary families, historical sociology, and the sociology of gender
David JohnsonProfessor, SociologyPenn State UniversityMeasurement techniques, structural equation models
Donald LandonProfessor Emeritus, SociologyMissouri State UniversityCivic renewal, legal profession in community context
Harvey MarkowitzProfessor Emeritus, Sociology/AnthropologyWashington and Lee UniversityRelationships among American Indian religions, landscapes, cultures, histories, and identities
Helen MooreProfessor Emeritus, SociologyUNLInequality of class, gender, race
Wayne OsgoodAssociate Professor Emeritus, SociologyPenn State UniversitySociology, population
Keith ParkerProfessor, SociologyUniversity of GeorgiaEducational aspirations, social and applied demography, social movements, social stratification
Steve PottsInstructor, History and Political ScienceMinnesota North College-HibbingHumanities, 20th Century U.S., Native America, American frontier, East Asia, anthropology
Thomas SanchezAssociate Professor, Sociology & Latino/Latin American StudiesUNOMigration and immigration, race/ethnic/minority relations, theory
Mildred A. SchwartzProfessor Emeritus, Sociology, Political ScienceUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoPolitical parties and movements, regionalism
Suzanne Maughan SpencerSociology Department ChairUNKRural youth as they transition to adulthood, and the impact that they will have in their home communities
Lynn WhiteProfessor Emeritus, SociologyUNLSocial demography, social research, statistics, fertility
Hugh WhittProfessor Emeritus, SociologyUNLDeviant behavior, sociology