Facility Rental

The facilities of the Center for Great Plains Studies are available to rent by University entities or University-related entities and only for approved University purposes. Two locations in the building are rentable: the Great Plains Art Museum (GPAM) and the Schorr Suite (6th Floor).

The facilities of the Art Museum (GPAM) are intended primarily for the showing and curation of art, exhibitions, and related activities of GPAM and the Center. Any other use by other University units must be compatible with this primary use as determined by and at the sole discretion of the Director of the Center. The facilities are not available to non-University users.

Please note when planning your event: No food or drink is allowed within the gallery. Food and drink is allowed only in lobby spaces. No alcohol permitted.

The Paul and Florence Schorr President's Suite is available to rent by University entities or University-related entities. The Center for Great Plains Studies (CGPS) is the booking and management agent for this space, which is overseen by the NU President's office.

Food and beverages are allowed in this space. Individuals wanting to serve alcohol must abide by University policy. Each reservation will need to fill out an application for an alcohol permit from the Chancellor’s office. The application form and additional details can be found here.

Building hours of operation

The Great Plains Art Museum (GPAM) is open Tuesday - Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The museum is closed on Mondays and Sundays. Gallery and lobby spaces are available for events after operating hours. Events scheduled in the building must end by 9 p.m. The galleries will be locked during all non-business hours except from 30 minutes prior to a scheduled function until the conclusion of that scheduled function.

The Schorr Suite can be reserved Monday - Sunday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. A building staff member must be present throughout the duration of the event.

Building rental and fees

All program and events must be booked through CGPS. Units renting the facilities must pay the Usage Fee. Programs and events should be booked at least two weeks in advance. No reservation is considered guaranteed until an agreement is signed by both parties and a 50% non-refundable deposit of the building usage fee is received or a UNL cost object number is given. A tentative reservation will be held for a period of no longer than three (3) weeks. If the reservation is not confirmed in writing and a deposit has not been received by the end of this time period, the reservation will be canceled and the room will be made available to other guests.


GPAM - during operating hours

(Tuesday-Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm)*

*Events may be scheduled after operating hours until 9 pm

$350 (up to 2 hours),
additional hours at $100/hr.*

*GPAM spaces can only be rented for a maximum of 4 hours per day

SCHORR - (Monday-Sunday: 8 am to 9 pm)

$300 all-day rate for events during normal hours (8am - 5pm)

$400 for events after hours (5pm - 9pm)



**The usage fee includes rental of the first floor and lower level lobbies and either gallery space, setup for the event, and maintenance. The usage fee for the Schorr Suite includes the space on the 6th floor, custodial support during normal University business hours (Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), setup for the event, and maintenance.


The first floor lobby area holds 75 people, about one person per 10 square feet of area. The GPAM gallery space will accommodate about 250 people and will seat 160 people for lectures or slide presentations. The Schorr Suite holds 60 people in the two connected large rooms.


To make event arrangements or for questions about reserving the space, please contact:
Alison Cloet
Center for Great Plains Studies
University of Nebraska
1155 Q St
Lincoln, NE 68588-021
Phone: 402-472-3964
Email: acloet3@unl.edu

Great Plains Art Museum gallery
Main gallery
Schorr Suite meeting room
Schorr Suite
Schorr Suite event space
Schorr Suite