Great Plains Fellows: Anthropology

Samantha AmmonsAssociate Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOWork-family-leisure boundaries and well-being; occupations; community and "little free libraries"; mixed methodology
Douglas BamforthProfessor, AnthropologyUniversity of Colorado-BoulderHuman use of the Plains, long-term environmental change
Timi BaroneAssociate Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOMedical anthropology, ethnomedicine, human adaptation
William BelcherAssociate Professor, AnthropologyUNLForensic anthropology and archaeology, forensic taphonomy related to post-mortem interval of forensic case work within the Great Plains
Peter BleedProfessor Emeritus, AnthropologyUNLTechnology, material culture, lithics, historic archaeology, Japan
Matthew DouglassDirector, Master of Applied Science ProgramUNLPrehistoric/historic/modern human environmental interaction, lithic technology
Phil GeibAssociate Professor of Practice, AnthropologyUNLArchaeology, hunter-gatherers, transition to agriculture
Elizabeth GrobsmithProvost EmeritusNorthern Arizona UniversityAnthropology, ethnology, native cultures of North America
Regina IdoateAssistant Professor, Department of Health PromotionUNMCMedial humanities, Indigenous health sovereignty, community health improvement
Ryan KlataskeFounder & Principal; Adjunct Assistant ProfessorApplied Ethnographic Services; University of Nebraska Medical CenterAnthropology, ethnography, agriculture, work, environment, health, and rural life
Harvey MarkowitzProfessor Emeritus, Sociology/AnthropologyWashington and Lee UniversityRelationships among American Indian religions, landscapes, cultures, histories, and identities
Kurt MantonyaConsulting AssociateHeartland Center for Leadership DevelopmentEthnographic and anthropological research
Sarah NelsonAssistant Professor, Geography, Affiliate of Medical Humanities, Native American StudiesUNOOral ways of knowing, aging in Indigenous communities, cultural safety in health care
Alan OsbornAssociate Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOGreat Plains archaeology, Paleoindian adaptations, nutritional anthropology
Beth RitterAssociate Professor, Anthropology & Native American StudiesUNOContemporary Native American issues, federal Indian policy
Allison SchlosserAssistant Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOSociocultural medical anthropology, ethnographic methods, anthropology of drug use, and health disparities
LuAnn WandsniderProfessor, Anthropology; Associate Director, SGISUNLPre-Columbian archaeology of the North American central/high plains