Great Plains Fellows: Architecture

Arnold AlanenProfessor Emeritus, Landscape ArchitectureUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonPlanned communities, company towns, immigrant settlements
Catherine De AlmeidaAssistant Professor, Landscape ArchitectureUniversity of WashingtonRural landscapes, Nebraska's brick industry, brownfield remediation
R. Wayne DrummondProfessor Emeritus, ArchitectureUNLHealth care design, health care design research
Ted ErtlAssociate Professor Emeritus, ArchitectureUNLArchitectural history and theory, architects, environmental issues
Bernard FlamanConservation ArchitectPublic Works and Government Services CanadaArchitecture of Canada and Saskatchewan
Mark HoistadProfessor, Architecture; Director, Landscape ArchitectureUNLMateriality in design, sustainable urbanism
David KarleAssociate Professor & Director, ArchitectureUNLUrbanism, architectural typologies
Sarah Thomas KarleAssociate Professor, Landscape ArchitectureUNLSite design and planning in environmentally sensitive ecosystems
David MurphySenior Research ArchitectNebraska State Historical SocietyHistory and theory of architecture and place
Thomas LagingProfessor Emeritus, ArchitectureUNLUrban design
Ronald RamsayAssociate Professor, ArchitectureNorth Dakota State UniversityLandscape architecture, architectural history and design, historic preservation
Keith SawyersProfessor Emeritus, ArchitectureUNLArchitectural history, Nebraska architecture