Name | Title | Institution | Specialty |
Mohamed Aboushanab | Assistant Geoscientist, School of Natural Resources | UNL | Geology and hydrogeology with an emphasis on western Nebraska |
Megan Adkins-Bollwitt | Professor, Physical Education | UNK | S.T.E.M., Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Teacher Education Preparation |
Jonis Agee | Professor, English | UNL | Fiction, creative nonfiction, American literature |
J. David Aiken | Professor, Agricultural Economics | UNL | Water and agricultural law |
Chris Allen | Professor, Communication Studies | UNO | Broadcast, journalism history |
Craig Allen | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Fish and wildlife research, ecosystems resilience |
Melissa Amateis | Journals Assistant, Center for Great Plains Studies | UNL | World War II history on the Great Plains |
Samantha Ammons | Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology | UNO | Work-family-leisure boundaries and well-being; occupations; community and "little free libraries"; mixed methodology |
Jessiline Anderson | Associate Professor, Psychology | UNO | Native American psychology |
J. Clark Archer | Professor, Geography | UNL | Urban and regional geographer, GIS |
Will Avilés | Professor, Political Science | UNK | Comparative Politics, Latin American Politics |
Tala Awada | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Physiological plant ecologist |
Bridget Barry | Editor in Chief, University Press | UNL | Cultural, military, health and environmental history |
Timi Barone | Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology | UNO | Medical anthropology, ethnomedicine, human adaptation |
Andrea Basche | Assistant Professor, Agronomy & Horticulture | UNL | Soil and water sciences, resource efficiency, soil health |
Deborah Bathke | Climatologist, National Drought Mitigation Center | UNL | Climate, drought, atmospheric sciences, geoscience |
John T. Bauer | Professor, Geography | UNK | Human, historical geography, GIS |
Stephen Behrendt | George Holmes Distinguished Professor, English | UNL | British Romanticism |
William Belcher | Associate Professor, Anthropology | UNL | Forensic anthropology and archaeology, forensic taphonomy related to post-mortem interval of forensic case work within the Great Plains |
Jesse Bell | Director, Claire M. Hubbard Professor of Water, Climate, and Health Program | UNMC | Relationships of extreme weather, climate variability, and climate change on natural and human processes and health outcomes |
John Benson | Associate Professor, Vertebrate Ecology | UNL | Wildlife population, molecular, landscape, and behavioral ecology, conservation ecology, mule deer populations |
Tonya Bernadt | Education and Outreach Specialist, National Drought Mitigation Center | UNL | Climate, communication, education, workshops |
David P. Billesbach | Research Assistant Professor, Biological Systems Engineering | UNL | Atmosphere, water usage in Nebraska Sandhills |
Joan Blauwkamp | Professor, Political Science | UNK | Political rhetoric in popular culture, public policy debates |
Mike Boehm | Vice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at UNL and NU vice president for Agriculture and Natural Resources | UNL | Plant pathology, integrated disease management, biological control, microbial ecology, biodefense |
Patti Boehner | Lecturer, Women & Gender Studies | UNL | Women & Gender Studies |
Vijendra Boken | Professor, Geography | UNK | Water resources, agriculture, remote sensing |
Matt Bokovoy | Senior Acquisitions Editor, University Press | UNL | Indigenous studies, borderlands history |
Thomas Bragg | Professor, Biology & Preserves Director | UNO | Grasslands, plant and fire ecology |
Liliana Bronner | Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine | UNMC | Health science education, health disparities, and women's health |
Robert Brooke | Professor, English | UNL | Rural education, composition and rhetoric, critical theory |
Nicholas Brozovic | Director of Policy, Water for Food Institute | UNL | Interdisciplinary water policy, economics, agriculture |
Gabriel Bruguier | Yankton Sioux Tribe, Assistant Professor and Research Specialist Librarian, University Libraries | UNL | Philosophy, Native American philosophy, Native American student success |
Rebecca Buller | Assistant Professor of Practice, Geography | UNL | Cultural & historical geography in the Great Plains, Women's history, geographic education |
Mark Burbach | Geoscientist, Natural Resources | UNL | Human behavior and the environment |
Derrick Burbul | Department Chair & Professor, Art and Design | UNK | Environment and human relations |
Paul Burger | Professor, Geography | UNK | GIS, economic, population, and political geography |
Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel | Extension Professor, Panhandle Research and Extension Center | UNL | Sustainable rural communities, community leadership |
Timothy Burkink | Assistant Vice Chancellor for International Affairs, Director, Study Abroad Program | UNK | Marketing, Food-related consumer behavior |
Julie Campbell | Professor, Criminal Justice | UNK | Criminal justice, women and crime |
John Carroll | Director and Professor, School of Natural Resources | UNL | Wildlife ecology and management, sustainability |
Joy Castro | Willa Cather Professor of English and Ethnic Studies, Director of Institute for Ethnic Studies | UNL | Memoir, fiction, film, U.S. ethnic literatures, women's literatures, modernism |
Theresa Catalano | Professor, Teaching Learning, and Teacher Education | UNL | Language teacher education, migration |
Christopher Chizinski | Associate Professor, Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management | UNL | Texas and Nebraska plains, fisheries, anglers, ecology |
Alison Cloet | Education & Outreach Associate, Center for Great Plains Studies | UNL | Art and environmental education, afterschool programming, design research |
H. Jason Combs | Professor & Chair, Geography | UNK | Urban, cultural/historical, research methods |
S. Carolina Córdova | Assistant Professor, Statewide Soil Health Specialist Agronomy & Horticulture | UNL | Soil health, sustainable intensification of agriculture, soil carbon sequestration, carbon farming and market, resilient agroecosystems, rural and urban farming |
Jessica Corman | Assistant Professor, School of Natural Resources | UNL | Biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, phosphorus cycling, lake, stream, and river ecosystems |
Rochelle L. Dalla | Professor & Graduate Chair, Family and Consumer Science | UNL | Familial dynamics, women and human trafficking |
Christina Dando | Department Chair & Professor, Geography | UNO | Gender and landscape, Great Plains cultural history |
Jenny Dauer | Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Natural Resources | UNL | Science literacy, environmental literacy, disciplinary-based science education research |
Roger P. Davis | Professor, History | UNK | Latin America, U.S.-Latin America relations |
Christopher S. Decker | Professor, Economics | UNO | Environmental and energy economics |
John DeLong | Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, Director of the Cedar Point Biological Station | UNL | Predator-prey ecology, climate adaptation, and eco-evolutionary dynamics |
Ashlee Dere | Associate Professor, Department of Geology | UNO | Soil geochemistry, soil morphology and genesis |
Brady DeSanti | Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Director of Native American Studies | UNO | Native American religious traditions, religion and popular culture, Native American history |
Timothy Dickson | Associate Professor, Biology, Turkey Creek Preserve Director | UNO | Prairie restoration, grasslands, diversity biology, ecology |
Jeremy Dillon | Professor, Geography | UNK | Soils, geomorphology |
Cristián Doña-Reveco | Associate Prof., Sociology & Anthropology, Director, Office of Latino/Latin American Studies | UNO | Latin American migrations, social dimensions of immigration |
Bree Dority | Professor, Finance | UNK | Salary, rural schools, and labor markets |
Matthew Douglass | Director, Master of Applied Science Program | UNL | Prehistoric/historic/modern human environmental interaction, lithic technology |
Mary Ellen Ducey | Associate Professor, Archivist | UNL | Special collections, university archives, Willa Cather, Sandoz |
Richard Duncan | Sherman S. Welpton Jr. Professor, Law | UNL | Property, constitutional law |
Bruce Dvorak | Ray Fauss Professor, Civil Engineering | UNL | Environmental engineering, pollution prevention/environmental sustainability for industry |
Janet Eckerson | Assistant Professor, Modern Languages; Graduate Program Chair | UNK | Spanish language, educational policy and practice impacting Latinx students |
Mark Ellis | Professor, History; Dean of Graduate Studies | UNK | American Indians, Nebraska history |
George Engelmann | Professor, Geology | UNO | Vertebrate paleontology, mammalian evolution |
Nancy Engen-Wedin | Lecturer, TLTE; Program Manager, Lied Center for Performing Arts; Coordinator, Indigenous Roots Teacher Education Program, College of Education and Human Sciences | UNL | Education, Indigenous issues and education, arts and curriculum |
Helen Fagan | Assistant Professor of Practice, Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communication | UNL | Diversity and Inclusion, Inclusive Leadership, Community Inclusive Leadership Development and Intercultural Competence Development |
John Falconer | Senior Advisor to the Chancellor for Executive Affairs | UNK | Grant writing, undergraduate student involvement |
Michael Farrell | Project coordinator, School of Natural Resources | UNL | Platte Basin Timelapse Project, photography, history, humanities, rural and environmental issues |
Dennis Ferraro | Professor of Practice, Natural Resources | UNL | Herpetology, Master Naturalist program |
Joseph TJ Fontaine | Adjunct Faculty, Natural Resources | UNL | Wildlife ecology, Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Unit |
Anne Foradori | Professor, Music (Voice) | UNK | Women in music, prairie song |
Michael Forsberg | Research Assistant Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Photography, Master Naturalist program, conservation |
Thomas Franti | Associate Professor, Biological Systems Engineering | UNL | Water quality, urban stormwater, ecological engineering |
Dana Fritz | Hixson-Lied Professor, Art (Photography) | UNL | Intersections of photography, landscape, and environment |
Sherilyn Fritz | George Holmes Professor, Earth & Atmospheric sciences | UNL | Paleoclimatology, quaternary environments, climate change |
Jeannette Gabriel | Director, Schwalb Center for Israel and Jewish Studies | UNO | Jewish and African American history in the Great Plains with an emphasis on race and gender |
Thomas Gannon | Associate Professor, English & Ethnic Studies | UNL | Native American literature, ecocriticism |
James Garza | Associate Professor, History, Ethnic Studies | UNL | Chicano/a, Latin America, Mexico |
Lauren Gatti | Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education | UNL | English education, teacher education, democratic education |
Phil Geib | Associate Professor of Practice, Anthropology | UNL | Archaeology, hunter-gatherers, transition to agriculture |
Keith Geluso | Professor, Biology | UNK | Field biology, bats, rats, mammalogy |
Maurice Godfrey | Director, SEPA at the Munroe Meyer Institute | UNMC | Connective tissue disorders, molecular genetics, Native American health science education |
Amy Goodburn | Professor, English; Senior Associate VC Academic Affairs | UNL | Critical and multicultural pedagogies, women's studies |
Susana Grajales Geliga | Lakota/Taino, Assistant Professor, History and Native American Studies | UNO | Great Plains Studies, Lakota language, Native American women, construction of Native American identities in the early twentieth century |
Patricio Grassini | Associate Professor, Agronomy and Horticulture | UNL | Crop physiology, yield potential, resource efficiency |
Yoanna Greenwood | Lecturer, Spanish | UNL | Biology, language preservation, translation |
Brandon Grimm | Senior Associate Dean, College of Public Health; Associate Prof., Health Promotion | UNMC | Workforce and leadership development |
Ramón Guerra | Associate Professor, English; Editor, Great Plains Quarterly | UNO | Chicano/a literature, Latino/a literature, postmodernism |
John Guretzky | Associate Professor, Agronomy & Horticulture | UNL | Grasslands, forage-beef production, perennial grasses |
Christopher Gustafson | Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics | UNL | Behavioral economics, health disparities, rural communities |
Maria Rosario de Guzman | Professor, Youth Development Extension Specialist; Chair, TMFD | UNL | Culture, migration, family life |
Erin Haacker | Assistant Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | UNL | Hydrology of the High Plains Aquifer, agricultural water use, modeling the movement of groundwater |
Tonya Haigh | Rural Sociology Research Specialist | UNL | Climate adaptation and adaptive capacity |
Edmund “Ted” Hamann | Professor, Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education | UNL | Education policy implementation across tiers, underserved student populations |
Paul Hanson | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Evolution of the Platte River system, river response to climate change |
Mary Harner | Associate Professor, Biology & Communications | UNK | River ecosystems, migratory corridors, watersheds, science education and outreach |
Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza | Associate Professor, Educational Leadership & Higher Education | UNL | Community college environments and equity related to place |
F. Gregory Hayden | Professor, Economics | UNL | Ecological economics, public policy analysis, agricultural policy |
Michael Hayes | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Drought planning, impacts, vulnerability, climate change |
Kate Heelen | Department Chair, Professor, Exercise Science | UNK | Physical activity, community wellness and pediatric obesity prevention and treatment program |
Tiffany Heng-Moss | Dean, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources | UNL | Insect ecology, plant-insect interactions, science literacy |
Barbara Hewins-Maroney | Associate Professor, Public Administration | UNO | Urban studies, life span development, social problems, public administration |
Ted Hibbeler | Tribal Extension Educator | UNL | Education, Indigenous food sovereignty, economic development, career development, conservation, leadership; Member of the Rosebud Sioux Nation (Sicangu Lakota Oyate) in South Dakota |
John Hibbing | Professor, Political Science | UNL | Political psychology, biology and politics |
Leon Higley | Professor, Entomology | UNL | Physiological ecology, conservation biology |
Michael Hilt | Dean, Communication, Fine Arts, and Media | UNO | Broadcast education |
Brandi Hilton-Hagemann | Rural Prosperity Nebraska Extension Educator | UNL | Community development, rural towns, leadership |
Angel Hinzo | Assistant Professor, History and Ethnic Studies | UNL | History and federal Indian policy from mid-19th century to the present |
Mark Hoistad | Professor Emeritus, Architecture; Director, Landscape Architecture | UNL | Materiality in design, sustainable urbanism |
Angeloa Hollman | Associate Professor, Cyber Systems | UNK | Cyber security in education |
Melissa Homestead | Professor, English | UNL | American literature, history of the book, Cather studies |
Adam Houston | Professor, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | UNL | Atmospheric convection, severe weather, climatology |
Qi Steven Hu | Professor, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | UNL | Warm season precipitation, atmospheric science, climate |
Andrew Husa | Lecturer, Geography | UNL | Rural geography, small town identity, and attachment to rural landscape, especially in the Great Plains |
Regina Idoate | Assistant Professor, Department of Health Promotion | UNMC | Medial humanities, Indigenous health sovereignty, community health improvement |
Margaret Jacobs | Professor, History; Director, CGPS | UNL | Indigenous Peoples, women, colonialism, decolonization |
Katrina Jagodinsky | Associate Professor, History | UNL | North American West, comparative legal history, borderlands |
Andrew Jewell | Professor, Digital Projects | UNL | Willa Cather, digital humanities |
Matt Joeckel | Professor & Senior Associate Director, Natural Resources | UNL | Sedimentology, stratigraphy |
Charles Johanningsmeier | Professor, English | UNO | American regionalist literature, Willa Cather |
David Karle | Associate Professor & Director, Architecture | UNL | Urbanism, architectural typologies |
Sarah Thomas Karle | Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture | UNL | Site design and planning in environmentally sensitive ecosystems |
Shawn Kaskie | Extension Educator, Rural Prosperity Nebraska | UNL | Regional planning and economic development |
Wendy Katz | Professory, Art History | UNL | 19th-century American genre painting, landscapes, Great Plains |
Pamela Steele Kellar | Associate Professor, Biology | UNO | Plant systematics, Great Plains flora, tallgrass prairie, plant biodiversity |
Casey Ryan Kelly | Professor & Director of Graduate Studies, Communication Studies | UNL | American Indian activism, no Dakota Access Pipeline movement |
Lydiah Kiramba | Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning, & Teacher Education | UNL | Bilingual and ESL Education, Second/additional language acquisition and teacher education |
Lisa Knoche | Research Assoc. Prof., Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families, & Schools | UNL | At-risk children and families, early care and education; Getting Ready Project Director |
Lisa Knopp | Professor, English | UNO | Creative nonfiction, Mississippi, Missouri, and Platte rivers |
Cody Knutson | Research Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Water resources, environmental geography |
Jesse Korus | Associate Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Groundwater geology, Sedimentology, and Stratigraphy |
Darby Kurtz | Assistant Professor Archivist and Public Historian | UNMC | Artifact care and conservation, disaster preparedness for humanities institutions, medical humanities |
Emily Levine | Extension Technologist, Agronomy & Horticulture | UNL | Great Plains, Lakota/Dakota history/culture, native plants, history of plains horticulture |
Beth Lewis | Professor, Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education | UNL | Secondary science education; teacher learning, professional development, and leadership; geoscience education issues |
Salvador Lindquist | Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture | UNL | Environmental and climate justice, community engaged design, mapping and visualization |
Jeremy Lipschultz | Professor, Journalism & Media Communication | UNO | Social media law, regulation and ethics, media use |
Andrew Little | Assistant Professor, School of Natural Resources | UNL | Wildlife ecology and management, precision agriculture, landscape ecology, habitat management |
Peter Longo | Professor, Political Science, Editor, Great Plains Research | UNK | Public policy, constitutional law |
Jaime Lopez | Assistant Professor of Community and Regional Planning | UNL | Environmental justice, community engagement in urban and rural planning, environmental health impacts of industrial pollution, climate change adaptation in vulnerable communities |
Elizabeth Lorang | Associate Professor, University Libraries | UNL | Digital humanities, co-director Genoa Indian School Digital Reconciliation Project |
Louise Lynch-O'Brien | Assistant Professor, Entomology | UNL | Insect biology, community/citizen science, One Health Extension, informal science education and literacy |
Satoshi Machida | Professor, Political Science | UNK | Comparative politics and international relations |
Craig Maher | Professor, Public Administration | UNO | Small and rural Great Plains communities |
Harmon Maher | Professor, Geology | UNO | Geology of the Great Plains, geologic mapping |
Rezaul Mahmood | Director, High Plains Regional Climate Center; Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Weather and climate sciences |
Timothy Mahoney | Professor, History | UNL | Nineteenth century U.S., urban history |
Kristin Malek | Assistant Professor, Hospitality and Tourism | UNL | ROI of events, economy development and economic impact of events, rural tourism, event operations |
John McCarty | Professor, Biology; Director, Environmental Studies | UNO | Grassland birds in agricultural ecosystems |
Nic McMillan | Assistant Professor Agronomy & Horticulture | UNL | Interactions between large herbivores and landscape disturbances, landscape heterogeneity, the role of large herbivores in shaping grassland dynamics, grasslands |
Brooke McWherter | Research Assistant Professor Agronomy & Horticulture | UNL | Human dimensions of agriculture, water and wildlife, decision-making and engagement with rural community members and supporting organizations |
Gwendŵr Meredith | Assistant Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Native North Americans, Social-ecological systems |
Carrie Meyer | Assistant professor, head of special collections and archives | UNMC | Museum exhibitions and curation, health humanities, Nebraska's healthcare history |
Sarah Michaels | Professor, Political Science | UNL | Water resources policy and governance |
Amelia María de la Luz Montes | Associate Professor, English & Ethnic Studies | UNL | Late Nineteenth and contemporary American literature, Chicana/o literature |
Amanda Morales | Associate Professor, Teacher, Learning & Teacher Education | UNL | Immigrant, migrant and multicultural education |
Max Mueller | Assistant Professor, Classics & Religious Studies | UNL | History of American religion, history of the American West's race and religion |
Shannon Mulhearn | Assistant Professor, Physical Education | UNK | Stress and coping, and teacher education preparation |
Laura K. Muñoz | Assistant Professor, History & Ethnic Studies | UNL | Mexican American, Chicanx and Latinx communities in the U.S. with an emphasis on race, gender and education in the American West |
Yunwoo Nam | Associate Professor, Community & Regional Planning | UNL | Urban environment, spatial variation and land consumption patterns |
Charlotte Narjes | Rural Prosperity Nebraska Extension Educator | UNL | Agricultural economics, cooperatives, rural communities |
Katherine Nashleanas | Lecturer, Geography | UNL | Human geography, Nebraska geography, teaching geography |
Sarah Nelson | Assistant Professor, Geography, Affiliate of Medical Humanities, Native American Studies | UNO | Oral ways of knowing, aging in Indigenous communities, cultural safety in health care |
Katie Nieland | Associate Director & Communications Coordinator, CGPS | UNL | Ecotourism, graphic design, journalism |
Alan Osborn | Associate Professor, Sociology & Anthropology | UNO | Great Plains archaeology, Paleoindian adaptations, nutritional anthropology |
Moises Padilla | Director, Nebraska College Preparatory Academy | UNL | Education and college access and success for first-generation, low-income, and ethnic-minority students in the Great Plains |
Mark Pegg | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Fisheries ecologist, aquatic ecosystems |
Lisa Pennisi | Professor of Practice, Natural Resources | UNL | Human impacts on natural resources, communicating science, environmental education |
David Peterson | Associate Professor, English | UNO | 16th-20th century American literature, gay and lesbian studies |
Aprille Phillips | Associate Professor, Educational Administration | UNK | Education policy implementation in minoritized communities |
Jamilynn Poletto | Assistant Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Fish behavior and physiology, conservation, climate change |
Kevin Pope | Research Professor & Director, Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research | UNL | Fishery ecology |
Larkin Powell | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Conservation biology, wildlife ecology and management |
John Price | Professor, English | UNO | Great Plains literature, environmental literature |
John Raible | Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Professor, Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education | UNL | Transracial adoption and multicultural families |
Athena Ramos | Associate Professor, Center for Reducing Health Disparities | UNMC | Latino health, health disparities, health and safety of agricultural and meatpacking workers, immigrant integration in small towns, community well-being |
Dustin Ranglack | Associate Professor, Biology | UNK | Large mammal ecology, conservation, and management |
Emily Rau | Assistant Professor, Libraries; Editor, Willa Cather Archive | UNL | American literature, digital humanities, Willa Cather, and the Great Plains |
Eric Reed | Professor, Director of Transfer Programs at Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis | UNL | Literature of U.S. West, Great Plains historical violence |
Letitia Reichart | Professor, Biology | UNK | Avian biology, molecular ecology, behavioral ecology |
Karl J. Reinhard | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Forensic scientist, archaeoparasitology |
Guy Reynolds | Professor, English; Chair, Undergraduate Program and Curriculum Committee | UNL | Willa Cather project, American literature |
Todd Richardson | James R. Schumacher Chair of Ethics; Professor, Goodrich Scholarship Program | UNO | Folklore, creative thinking and expression |
Beth Ritter | Associate Professor, Anthropology & Native American Studies | UNO | Contemporary Native American issues, federal Indian policy |
Barbara Robins | Associate Professor, English | UNO | Contemporary Native American literature |
Travis Robbins | Assistant Professor, Biology | UNO | Vertebrate adaptations to thermal environments, evolution of social intelligence, epigenetic inheritance |
Teliza Rodriguez | Curator | UNK | Museum of Nebraska Art |
Jacob Rosdail | Associate Professor, Communication | UNK | Digital storytelling and video production |
Clinton Rowe | Professor & Department Chair, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | UNL | Meteorology, climatology, climate modeling |
Sabrina Russo | Professor, Biology | UNL | Plant ecology and diversity |
Thomas Sanchez | Associate Professor, Sociology & Latino/Latin American Studies | UNO | Migration and immigration, race/ethnic/minority relations, theory |
Timothy Schaffert | Professor & Director of Creative Writing, English | UNL | Creative writing, fiction writing |
Mark Scherer | Professor, History | UNO | Legal & constitutional, Native American legal history, Nebraska & Great Plains |
Marilyn Schlake | Rural Prosperity Nebraska Extension Educator | UNL | Community economic development, entrepreneurship, nonprofits, strategic planning |
Allison Schlosser | Assistant Professor, Sociology & Anthropology | UNO | Sociocultural medical anthropology, ethnographic methods, anthropology of drug use, and health disparities. |
Richard Schuessler | Professor, Art and Design | UNK | Visual communications, typography |
Anthony Schutz | Associate Professor, Law; Associate Dean for Faculty | UNL | Agricultural, environmental law, land use |
Casey Seger | Collections Manager, Great Plains Art Museum | UNL | Digital humanities, museum studies, digital asset management |
Julie Shaffer | Professor, Biology; Co-Chair of Department | UNK | Invertebrate microbial iteractions |
Tanya Shenk | Research Coordinator, National Park Service | UNL | Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Unit, ecology, conservation biology, endangered species, whooping cranes |
Robert Shepard | Assistant Professor, Geography | UNL | Cartography, GIS, population geography and urban historical geography |
Susan M. Sheridan | Associate Dean, Research and Creative Activity; George Holmes Prof., Educational Psychology; Director, Neb. Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families | UNL | Parent-teacher behavioral consultation |
Jessica Shoemaker | Steinhart Foundation Distinguished Professor, Law | UNL | Community economic development, federal Indian law, land use, property law |
Martha Shulski | Professor, Natural Resources; Director, Nebraska State Climate Office; State Climatologist | UNL | Climate variability, change and impacts |
Robert Shuster | Associate Professor, Geology | UNO | Granites, growth of the North American continental crust |
Patricia Simpson | Professor, Modern Languages & Literatures (German) | UNL | German literature and immigration, language learning |
Kelly Smith | Drought Impacts Researcher, Assistant Director and Communications Coordinator, National Drought Mitigation Center | UNL | Drought impacts, climate impacts, crowdsourcing, big data, drought signal |
Jordan Soliz | Professor, Communication Studies; Leland J. & Dorothy H. Olson Chair, Arts & Sciences | UNL | Intergroup processes in family, personal, and community relationships, multiethnic-racial families |
Suzanne Maughan Spencer | Sociology Department Chair | UNK | Rural youth as they transition to adulthood, and the impact that they will have in their home communities |
Liahnna Stanley | Assistant Professor, Communications and Ethnic Studies | UNL | Rhetoric and cultural studies, literary criticism, speculative fiction, Indigenous sovereignty and critical theory |
Christopher Steinke | Associate Professor & Graduate Program Chair, History | UNK | Plains Indians, waterways, Pawnee, Arikaras, environmental history |
Crystal Stiles | Adjunct Professor, Natural Resources; Tribal Engagement Coordinator, NIDIS-NOAA-CIRES | UNL | Climate science, drought management, river basins, geography |
Matthew Stockton | Professor, Agricultural Economics; West Central Research & Extension Center | UNL | Education and development of sustainable and profitable farm and ranch businesses, risk and decision making |
Asa Stone | Research Assistant Professor Agricultural Economics, Editor of Great Plains Research | UNL | Regional climate resilience, community wellbeing, research ethics |
William Stoutamire | Assistant Professor, History | UNK | Material culture, historic preservation, U.S. West, heritage tourism |
Xianhgmin Sun | Research Assistant Professor, micrometeorologist | UNL | Greenhouse gases from agricultural ecosystems (corn and soybean) and pasture sites in the Great Plains |
Mark Svoboda | Director, National Drought Mitigation Center; Climatologist, Natural Resources | UNL | Water, drought, natural resources, weather, drought early warning |
Erin Sweeney | Associate Professor – Health and Physical Education, Graduate Program Chair | UNK | Health pedagogy, adolescent health, substance use, and sexual health |
Tsegaye Tadesse | Research Professor, Natural Resources; Geospatial Coordinator, National Drought Mitigation Center | UNL | Drought monitoring, natural resource management |
Zhenghong Tang | Professor & Program Director, Community & Regional Planning | UNL | Environmental planning, geospatial science and technology |
Brigitte Tenhumberg | Professor, Biological Sciences | UNL | Plant and insect ecology, life history evolution |
Elizabeth Theiss-Morse | Willa Cather Professor, Political Science | UNL | Public opinion concerning democracy and civil liberties |
William Thomas III | John & Catherine Angle Chair, Humanities; Professor, History; CAS Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Education | UNL | Civil War, U.S. South, slavery, digital history |
Eric Thompson | Karl H. Nelson Associate Professor, Economics; Director, Bureau of Business Research | UNL | Regional economics |
Julie Tippens | Associate Professor, Child, Youth & Family Studies | UNL | Forced migration and global health, social and structural determinants of refugees' health and wellbeing |
Julia Torquati | Professor, Family and Consumer Science | UNL | Child/development, early childhood education |
Judith Turk | Assistant Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Soil morphology and genesis |
Nathan Tye | Assistant Professor, History | UNK | Agricultural history, Great Plains history |
Andrew Tyre | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Wildlife population, ecology |
Natalie Umphlett | Regional Climatologist, Natural Resources | UNL | Meteorology, climatology |
David Vail | Associate Professor, History | UNK | History of aerial pesticide application and food production in North American grasslands |
Elizabeth VanWormer | Associate Professor of Practice, Natural Resources | UNL | Disease organisms, wildlife habitat, agriculture, nitrates |
Isabel Velázquez | Professor & Graduate Chair, Spanish | UNL | Sociolinguistics, bilingualism, US Spanish, language contact, heritage speaker pedagogy, minority language maintenance and loss |
Theresa Wadkins | Professor & Chair, Criminal Justice | UNK | Procrastination, teaching issues, and assessment |
LuAnn Wandsnider | Professor, Anthropology; Associate Director, SGIS | UNL | Pre-Columbian archaeology of the North American central/high plains |
Ran Wang | Assistant Professor, Environmental Spatial Scientist | UNL | Biodiversity, productivity, ecosystem function, energy balance, climate feedback, remote sensing |
Brian Wardlow | Prof., Natural Resources; Director, Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies | UNL | GIS, drought monitoring |
Michelle Warren | Associate Professor, Spanish | UNK | Themes of culture, nationality, and ethnicity; theatre, film, and narrative |
David Wedin | Professor, Natural Resources | UNL | Grassland, savanna ecology, carbon/nitrogen cycling |
Laurinda Weisse | University Archivist & Digital Repository Manager, Libraries | UNK | Ethnic studies, history, Nebraska, women and gender |
Jeffrey Westrop | Assistant Geoscientist, Natural Resources | UNL | Aqueous geochemistry, biogeochemistry, sedimentology, water quality |
Ashley Wilkinson | Director/Curator, Great Plains Art Museum | UNL | Twentieth-century American art, New Deal-era printmaking |
Steve Willborn | Judge Harry A. Spencer Professor of Law | UNL | Employment law, discrimination, legal history, and legal theory |
Kelly Willemssens | Lecturer, School of Natural Resources | UNL | Ecology, insect physiology, and animal behavior |
Sandra Williams | Associate Professor, Art | UNL | Mixed media, the animal in art and aesthetics, art and well-being |
Cynthia Willis-Esqueda | Associate Professor, Psychology, Ethnic Studies | UNL | Race and ethnic bias, Native American populations |
James A. Wilson | Professor, Biology | UNO | Zoology, mammalogy, physiological ecology |
Kim Wilson | Professor, Landscape Architecture; Special Assistant to the Dean | UNL | Design, landscape representation |
Kenneth J. Winkle | Sorensen Professor, History | UNL | 19th Century U.S. political, social, cultural, military history |
David Wishart | Professor Emeritus, Geography | UNL | Human geography, Indigenous Peoples, Great Plains |
LaReesa Wolfenbarger | Professor & Chair, Biology | UNO | Effects of agriculture on grassland ecosystems |
Sharon E. Wood | Professor, History | UNO | Women in America, 19th Century U.S. social and cultural history, material culture |
Donna Woudenberg | Lecturer, Women's & Gender Studies | UNL | Human interactions with the environment |
Melissa Wuellner | Associate Professor, Biology | UNK | Fisheries ecology and management, human dimensions of wildlife and fisheries |
Judy Wu-Smart | Extension & Research Entomologist | UNL | Bee Lab leader, pesticide exposure, landscapes, stressors on bee behavior |
Sarah Zuckerman | Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education | UNL | State-level educational policy implementation and school-community partnerships, particularly in the context of rural communities |