Great Plains Fellows: Full list

Mohamed AboushanabAssistant Geoscientist, School of Natural ResourcesUNLGeology and hydrogeology with an emphasis on western Nebraska
Megan Adkins-BollwittProfessor, Physical EducationUNKS.T.E.M., Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Teacher Education Preparation
Jonis AgeeProfessor, EnglishUNLFiction, creative nonfiction, American literature
J. David AikenProfessor, Agricultural EconomicsUNLWater and agricultural law
Chris AllenProfessor, Communication StudiesUNOBroadcast, journalism history
Craig AllenProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLFish and wildlife research, ecosystems resilience
Melissa AmateisJournals Assistant, Center for Great Plains StudiesUNLWorld War II history on the Great Plains
Samantha AmmonsAssociate Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOWork-family-leisure boundaries and well-being; occupations; community and "little free libraries"; mixed methodology
Jessiline AndersonAssociate Professor, PsychologyUNONative American psychology
J. Clark ArcherProfessor, GeographyUNLUrban and regional geographer, GIS
Will AvilésProfessor, Political ScienceUNKComparative Politics, Latin American Politics
Tala AwadaProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLPhysiological plant ecologist
Bridget BarryEditor in Chief, University PressUNLCultural, military, health and environmental history
Timi BaroneAssociate Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOMedical anthropology, ethnomedicine, human adaptation
Andrea BascheAssistant Professor, Agronomy & HorticultureUNLSoil and water sciences, resource efficiency, soil health
Deborah BathkeClimatologist, National Drought Mitigation CenterUNLClimate, drought, atmospheric sciences, geoscience
John T. BauerProfessor, GeographyUNKHuman, historical geography, GIS
Stephen BehrendtGeorge Holmes Distinguished Professor, EnglishUNLBritish Romanticism
William BelcherAssociate Professor, AnthropologyUNLForensic anthropology and archaeology, forensic taphonomy related to post-mortem interval of forensic case work within the Great Plains
Jesse BellDirector, Claire M. Hubbard Professor of Water, Climate, and Health ProgramUNMCRelationships of extreme weather, climate variability, and climate change on natural and human processes and health outcomes
John BensonAssociate Professor, Vertebrate EcologyUNLWildlife population, molecular, landscape, and behavioral ecology, conservation ecology, mule deer populations
Tonya BernadtEducation and Outreach Specialist, National Drought Mitigation CenterUNLClimate, communication, education, workshops
David P. BillesbachResearch Assistant Professor, Biological Systems EngineeringUNLAtmosphere, water usage in Nebraska Sandhills
Joan BlauwkampProfessor, Political ScienceUNKPolitical rhetoric in popular culture, public policy debates
Mike BoehmVice Chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at UNL and NU vice president for Agriculture and Natural ResourcesUNLPlant pathology, integrated disease management, biological control, microbial ecology, biodefense
Patti BoehnerLecturer, Women & Gender StudiesUNLWomen & Gender Studies
Vijendra BokenProfessor, GeographyUNKWater resources, agriculture, remote sensing
Matt BokovoySenior Acquisitions Editor, University PressUNLIndigenous studies, borderlands history
Thomas BraggProfessor, Biology & Preserves DirectorUNOGrasslands, plant and fire ecology
Liliana BronnerAssistant Professor, Department of Family MedicineUNMCHealth science education, health disparities, and women's health
Robert BrookeProfessor, EnglishUNLRural education, composition and rhetoric, critical theory
Nicholas BrozovicDirector of Policy, Water for Food InstituteUNLInterdisciplinary water policy, economics, agriculture
Gabriel BruguierYankton Sioux Tribe, Assistant Professor and Research Specialist Librarian, University LibrariesUNLPhilosophy, Native American philosophy, Native American student success
Rebecca BullerAssistant Professor of Practice, GeographyUNLCultural & historical geography in the Great Plains, Women's history, geographic education
Mark BurbachGeoscientist, Natural ResourcesUNLHuman behavior and the environment
Derrick BurbulDepartment Chair & Professor, Art and DesignUNKEnvironment and human relations
Paul BurgerProfessor, GeographyUNKGIS, economic, population, and political geography
Cheryl Burkhart-KrieselExtension Professor, Panhandle Research and Extension CenterUNLSustainable rural communities, community leadership
Timothy BurkinkAssistant Vice Chancellor for International Affairs, Director, Study Abroad ProgramUNKMarketing, Food-related consumer behavior
Julie CampbellProfessor, Criminal JusticeUNKCriminal justice, women and crime
John CarrollDirector and Professor, School of Natural ResourcesUNLWildlife ecology and management, sustainability
Joy CastroWilla Cather Professor of English and Ethnic Studies, Director of Institute for Ethnic StudiesUNLMemoir, fiction, film, U.S. ethnic literatures, women's literatures, modernism
Theresa CatalanoProfessor, Teaching Learning, and Teacher EducationUNLLanguage teacher education, migration
Christopher ChizinskiAssociate Professor, Human Dimensions of Wildlife ManagementUNLTexas and Nebraska plains, fisheries, anglers, ecology
Alison CloetEducation & Outreach Associate, Center for Great Plains StudiesUNLArt and environmental education, afterschool programming, design research
H. Jason CombsProfessor & Chair, GeographyUNKUrban, cultural/historical, research methods
S. Carolina CórdovaAssistant Professor, Statewide Soil Health Specialist Agronomy & Horticulture UNLSoil health, sustainable intensification of agriculture, soil carbon sequestration,
carbon farming and market, resilient agroecosystems, rural and urban farming 
Jessica CormanAssistant Professor, School of Natural ResourcesUNLBiogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, phosphorus cycling, lake, stream, and river ecosystems
Rochelle L. DallaProfessor & Graduate Chair, Family and Consumer ScienceUNLFamilial dynamics, women and human trafficking
Christina DandoDepartment Chair & Professor, GeographyUNOGender and landscape, Great Plains cultural history
Jenny DauerAssistant Professor of Practice, School of Natural ResourcesUNLScience literacy, environmental literacy, disciplinary-based science education research
Roger P. DavisProfessor, HistoryUNKLatin America, U.S.-Latin America relations
Christopher S. DeckerProfessor, EconomicsUNOEnvironmental and energy economics
John DeLongAssociate Professor, Biological Sciences, Director of the Cedar Point Biological StationUNLPredator-prey ecology, climate adaptation, and eco-evolutionary dynamics
Ashlee DereAssociate Professor, Department of GeologyUNOSoil geochemistry, soil morphology and genesis
Brady DeSantiAssociate Professor, Religious Studies, Director of Native American StudiesUNONative American religious traditions, religion and popular culture, Native American history
Timothy DicksonAssociate Professor, Biology, Turkey Creek Preserve DirectorUNOPrairie restoration, grasslands, diversity biology, ecology
Jeremy DillonProfessor, GeographyUNKSoils, geomorphology
Cristián Doña-RevecoAssociate Prof., Sociology & Anthropology, Director, Office of Latino/Latin American StudiesUNOLatin American migrations, social dimensions of immigration
Bree DorityProfessor, FinanceUNKSalary, rural schools, and labor markets
Matthew DouglassDirector, Master of Applied Science ProgramUNLPrehistoric/historic/modern human environmental interaction, lithic technology
Mary Ellen DuceyAssociate Professor, ArchivistUNLSpecial collections, university archives, Willa Cather, Sandoz
Richard DuncanSherman S. Welpton Jr. Professor, LawUNLProperty, constitutional law
Bruce DvorakRay Fauss Professor, Civil EngineeringUNLEnvironmental engineering, pollution prevention/environmental sustainability for industry
Janet EckersonAssistant Professor, Modern Languages; Graduate Program ChairUNKSpanish language, educational policy and practice impacting Latinx students
Mark EllisProfessor, History; Dean of Graduate StudiesUNKAmerican Indians, Nebraska history
George EngelmannProfessor, GeologyUNOVertebrate paleontology, mammalian evolution
Nancy Engen-WedinLecturer, TLTE; Program Manager, Lied Center for Performing Arts; Coordinator, Indigenous Roots Teacher Education Program, College of Education and Human SciencesUNLEducation, Indigenous issues and education, arts and curriculum
Helen FaganAssistant Professor of Practice, Agricultural Leadership, Education & CommunicationUNLDiversity and Inclusion, Inclusive Leadership, Community Inclusive Leadership Development and Intercultural Competence Development
John FalconerSenior Advisor to the Chancellor for Executive AffairsUNKGrant writing, undergraduate student involvement
Michael FarrellProject coordinator, School of Natural ResourcesUNLPlatte Basin Timelapse Project, photography, history, humanities, rural and environmental issues
Dennis FerraroProfessor of Practice, Natural ResourcesUNLHerpetology, Master Naturalist program
Joseph TJ FontaineAdjunct Faculty, Natural ResourcesUNLWildlife ecology, Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Unit
Anne ForadoriProfessor, Music (Voice)UNKWomen in music, prairie song
Michael ForsbergResearch Assistant Professor, Natural ResourcesUNLPhotography, Master Naturalist program, conservation
Thomas FrantiAssociate Professor, Biological Systems EngineeringUNLWater quality, urban stormwater, ecological engineering
Dana FritzHixson-Lied Professor, Art (Photography)UNLIntersections of photography, landscape, and environment
Sherilyn FritzGeorge Holmes Professor, Earth & Atmospheric sciencesUNLPaleoclimatology, quaternary environments, climate change
Jeannette GabrielDirector, Schwalb Center for Israel and Jewish StudiesUNOJewish and African American history in the Great Plains with an emphasis on race and gender
Thomas GannonAssociate Professor, English & Ethnic StudiesUNLNative American literature, ecocriticism
James GarzaAssociate Professor, History, Ethnic StudiesUNLChicano/a, Latin America, Mexico
Lauren GattiAssociate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Teacher EducationUNLEnglish education, teacher education, democratic education
Phil GeibAssociate Professor of Practice, AnthropologyUNLArchaeology, hunter-gatherers, transition to agriculture
Keith GelusoProfessor, BiologyUNKField biology, bats, rats, mammalogy
Maurice GodfreyDirector, SEPA at the Munroe Meyer InstituteUNMCConnective tissue disorders, molecular genetics, Native American health science education
Amy GoodburnProfessor, English; Senior Associate VC Academic AffairsUNLCritical and multicultural pedagogies, women's studies
Susana Grajales GeligaLakota/Taino, Assistant Professor, History and Native American StudiesUNOGreat Plains Studies, Lakota language, Native American women, construction of Native American identities in the early twentieth century
Patricio GrassiniAssociate Professor, Agronomy and HorticultureUNLCrop physiology, yield potential, resource efficiency
Yoanna GreenwoodLecturer, SpanishUNLBiology, language preservation, translation
Brandon GrimmSenior Associate Dean, College of Public Health; Associate Prof., Health PromotionUNMCWorkforce and leadership development
Ramón GuerraAssociate Professor, English; Editor, Great Plains QuarterlyUNOChicano/a literature, Latino/a literature, postmodernism
John GuretzkyAssociate Professor, Agronomy & HorticultureUNLGrasslands, forage-beef production, perennial grasses
Christopher GustafsonAssociate Professor, Agricultural EconomicsUNLBehavioral economics, health disparities, rural communities
Maria Rosario de GuzmanProfessor, Youth Development Extension Specialist; Chair, TMFDUNLCulture, migration, family life
Erin HaackerAssistant Professor, Earth and Atmospheric SciencesUNLHydrology of the High Plains Aquifer, agricultural water use, modeling the movement of groundwater
Tonya HaighRural Sociology Research SpecialistUNLClimate adaptation and adaptive capacity
Edmund “Ted” HamannProfessor, Teaching, Learning and Teacher EducationUNLEducation policy implementation across tiers, underserved student populations
Paul HansonProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLEvolution of the Platte River system, river response to climate change
Mary HarnerAssociate Professor, Biology & CommunicationsUNKRiver ecosystems, migratory corridors, watersheds, science education and outreach
Deryl K. Hatch-TocaimazaAssociate Professor, Educational Leadership & Higher EducationUNLCommunity college environments and equity related to place
F. Gregory HaydenProfessor, EconomicsUNLEcological economics, public policy analysis, agricultural policy
Michael HayesProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLDrought planning, impacts, vulnerability, climate change
Kate HeelenDepartment Chair, Professor, Exercise ScienceUNKPhysical activity, community wellness and pediatric obesity prevention and treatment program
Tiffany Heng-MossDean, Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesUNLInsect ecology, plant-insect interactions, science literacy
Barbara Hewins-MaroneyAssociate Professor, Public AdministrationUNOUrban studies, life span development, social problems, public administration
Ted HibbelerTribal Extension EducatorUNLEducation, Indigenous food sovereignty, economic development, career development, conservation, leadership; Member of the Rosebud Sioux Nation (Sicangu Lakota Oyate) in South Dakota
John HibbingProfessor, Political ScienceUNLPolitical psychology, biology and politics
Leon HigleyProfessor, EntomologyUNLPhysiological ecology, conservation biology
Michael HiltDean, Communication, Fine Arts, and MediaUNOBroadcast education
Brandi Hilton-HagemannRural Prosperity Nebraska Extension EducatorUNLCommunity development, rural towns, leadership
Angel HinzoAssistant Professor, History and Ethnic StudiesUNLHistory and federal Indian policy from mid-19th century to the present
Mark HoistadProfessor Emeritus, Architecture; Director, Landscape ArchitectureUNLMateriality in design, sustainable urbanism
Angeloa HollmanAssociate Professor, Cyber SystemsUNKCyber security in education
Melissa HomesteadProfessor, EnglishUNLAmerican literature, history of the book, Cather studies
Adam HoustonProfessor, Earth & Atmospheric SciencesUNLAtmospheric convection, severe weather, climatology
Qi Steven HuProfessor, Earth & Atmospheric SciencesUNLWarm season precipitation, atmospheric science, climate
Andrew HusaLecturer, GeographyUNLRural geography, small town identity, and attachment to rural landscape, especially in the Great Plains
Regina IdoateAssistant Professor, Department of Health PromotionUNMCMedial humanities, Indigenous health sovereignty, community health improvement
Margaret JacobsProfessor, History; Director, CGPSUNLIndigenous Peoples, women, colonialism, decolonization
Katrina JagodinskyAssociate Professor, HistoryUNLNorth American West, comparative legal history, borderlands
Andrew JewellProfessor, Digital ProjectsUNLWilla Cather, digital humanities
Matt JoeckelProfessor & Senior Associate Director, Natural ResourcesUNLSedimentology, stratigraphy
Charles JohanningsmeierProfessor, EnglishUNOAmerican regionalist literature, Willa Cather
David KarleAssociate Professor & Director, ArchitectureUNLUrbanism, architectural typologies
Sarah Thomas KarleAssociate Professor, Landscape ArchitectureUNLSite design and planning in environmentally sensitive ecosystems
Shawn KaskieExtension Educator, Rural Prosperity NebraskaUNLRegional planning and economic development
Wendy KatzProfessory, Art HistoryUNL19th-century American genre painting, landscapes, Great Plains
Pamela Steele KellarAssociate Professor, BiologyUNOPlant systematics, Great Plains flora, tallgrass prairie, plant biodiversity
Casey Ryan KellyProfessor & Director of Graduate Studies, Communication StudiesUNLAmerican Indian activism, no Dakota Access Pipeline movement
Lydiah KirambaAssociate Professor, Teaching, Learning, & Teacher EducationUNLBilingual and ESL Education, Second/additional language acquisition and teacher education
Lisa KnocheResearch Assoc. Prof., Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families, & SchoolsUNLAt-risk children and families, early care and education; Getting Ready Project Director
Lisa KnoppProfessor, EnglishUNOCreative nonfiction, Mississippi, Missouri, and Platte rivers
Cody KnutsonResearch Professor, Natural ResourcesUNLWater resources, environmental geography
Jesse KorusAssociate Professor, Natural ResourcesUNLGroundwater geology, Sedimentology, and Stratigraphy
Darby KurtzAssistant Professor
Archivist and Public Historian
UNMCArtifact care and conservation, disaster preparedness for humanities institutions, medical humanities 
Emily LevineExtension Technologist, Agronomy & HorticultureUNLGreat Plains, Lakota/Dakota history/culture, native plants, history of plains horticulture
Beth LewisProfessor, Teaching, Learning & Teacher EducationUNLSecondary science education; teacher learning, professional development, and leadership; geoscience education issues
Salvador LindquistAssistant Professor, Landscape ArchitectureUNLEnvironmental and climate justice, community engaged design, mapping and visualization
Jeremy LipschultzProfessor, Journalism & Media CommunicationUNOSocial media law, regulation and ethics, media use
Andrew LittleAssistant Professor, School of Natural ResourcesUNLWildlife ecology and management, precision agriculture, landscape ecology, habitat management
Peter LongoProfessor, Political Science, Editor, Great Plains ResearchUNKPublic policy, constitutional law
Jaime LopezAssistant Professor of Community and Regional PlanningUNLEnvironmental justice, community engagement in urban and rural planning, environmental health impacts of industrial pollution, climate change adaptation in vulnerable communities
Elizabeth LorangAssociate Professor, University LibrariesUNLDigital humanities, co-director Genoa Indian School Digital Reconciliation Project
Louise Lynch-O'BrienAssistant Professor, EntomologyUNLInsect biology, community/citizen science, One Health Extension, informal science education and literacy
Satoshi MachidaProfessor, Political ScienceUNKComparative politics and international relations
Craig MaherProfessor, Public AdministrationUNOSmall and rural Great Plains communities
Harmon MaherProfessor, GeologyUNOGeology of the Great Plains, geologic mapping
Rezaul MahmoodDirector, High Plains Regional Climate Center; Professor, Natural ResourcesUNLWeather and climate sciences
Timothy MahoneyProfessor, HistoryUNLNineteenth century U.S., urban history
Kristin MalekAssistant Professor, Hospitality and TourismUNLROI of events, economy development and economic impact of events, rural tourism, event operations
John McCartyProfessor, Biology; Director, Environmental StudiesUNOGrassland birds in agricultural ecosystems
Nic McMillanAssistant Professor Agronomy & HorticultureUNLInteractions between large herbivores and landscape disturbances, landscape heterogeneity, the role of large herbivores in shaping grassland dynamics, grasslands
Brooke McWherterResearch Assistant Professor Agronomy & Horticulture UNLHuman dimensions of agriculture, water and wildlife, decision-making and engagement with rural community members and supporting organizations
Gwendŵr MeredithAssistant Professor, Natural ResourcesUNLNative North Americans, Social-ecological systems
Carrie MeyerAssistant professor, head of special collections and archivesUNMCMuseum exhibitions and curation, health humanities, Nebraska's healthcare history
Sarah MichaelsProfessor, Political ScienceUNLWater resources policy and governance
Amelia María de la Luz MontesAssociate Professor, English & Ethnic StudiesUNLLate Nineteenth and contemporary American literature, Chicana/o literature
Amanda MoralesAssociate Professor, Teacher, Learning & Teacher EducationUNLImmigrant, migrant and multicultural education
Max MuellerAssistant Professor, Classics & Religious StudiesUNLHistory of American religion, history of the American West's race and religion
Shannon MulhearnAssistant Professor, Physical EducationUNKStress and coping, and teacher education preparation
Laura K. MuñozAssistant Professor, History & Ethnic StudiesUNLMexican American, Chicanx and Latinx communities in the U.S. with an emphasis on race, gender and education in the American West
Yunwoo NamAssociate Professor, Community & Regional PlanningUNLUrban environment, spatial variation and land consumption patterns
Charlotte NarjesRural Prosperity Nebraska Extension EducatorUNLAgricultural economics, cooperatives, rural communities
Katherine NashleanasLecturer, GeographyUNLHuman geography, Nebraska geography, teaching geography
Sarah NelsonAssistant Professor, Geography, Affiliate of Medical Humanities, Native American StudiesUNOOral ways of knowing, aging in Indigenous communities, cultural safety in health care
Katie NielandAssociate Director & Communications Coordinator, CGPSUNLEcotourism, graphic design, journalism
Alan OsbornAssociate Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOGreat Plains archaeology, Paleoindian adaptations, nutritional anthropology
Moises PadillaDirector, Nebraska College Preparatory AcademyUNLEducation and college access and success for first-generation, low-income, and ethnic-minority students in the Great Plains
Mark PeggProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLFisheries ecologist, aquatic ecosystems
Lisa PennisiProfessor of Practice, Natural ResourcesUNLHuman impacts on natural resources, communicating science, environmental education
David PetersonAssociate Professor, EnglishUNO16th-20th century American literature, gay and lesbian studies
Aprille PhillipsAssociate Professor, Educational AdministrationUNKEducation policy implementation in minoritized communities
Jamilynn PolettoAssistant Professor, Natural ResourcesUNLFish behavior and physiology, conservation, climate change
Kevin PopeResearch Professor & Director, Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife ResearchUNLFishery ecology
Larkin PowellProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLConservation biology, wildlife ecology and management
John PriceProfessor, EnglishUNOGreat Plains literature, environmental literature
John RaibleAssociate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Professor, Teaching, Learning & Teacher EducationUNLTransracial adoption and multicultural families
Athena RamosAssociate Professor, Center for Reducing Health DisparitiesUNMCLatino health, health disparities, health and safety of agricultural and meatpacking workers, immigrant integration in small towns, community well-being
Dustin RanglackAssociate Professor, BiologyUNKLarge mammal ecology, conservation, and management
Emily RauAssistant Professor, Libraries; Editor, Willa Cather ArchiveUNLAmerican literature, digital humanities, Willa Cather, and the Great Plains
Eric ReedProfessor, Director of Transfer Programs at Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in CurtisUNLLiterature of U.S. West, Great Plains historical violence
Letitia ReichartProfessor, BiologyUNKAvian biology, molecular ecology, behavioral ecology
Karl J. ReinhardProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLForensic scientist, archaeoparasitology
Guy ReynoldsProfessor, English; Chair, Undergraduate Program and Curriculum CommitteeUNLWilla Cather project, American literature
Todd RichardsonJames R. Schumacher Chair of Ethics; Professor, Goodrich Scholarship ProgramUNOFolklore, creative thinking and expression
Beth RitterAssociate Professor, Anthropology & Native American StudiesUNOContemporary Native American issues, federal Indian policy
Barbara RobinsAssociate Professor, EnglishUNOContemporary Native American literature
Travis RobbinsAssistant Professor, BiologyUNOVertebrate adaptations to thermal environments, evolution of social intelligence, epigenetic inheritance
Teliza RodriguezCuratorUNKMuseum of Nebraska Art
Jacob RosdailAssociate Professor, CommunicationUNKDigital storytelling and video production
Clinton RoweProfessor & Department Chair, Earth & Atmospheric SciencesUNLMeteorology, climatology, climate modeling
Sabrina RussoProfessor, BiologyUNLPlant ecology and diversity
Thomas SanchezAssociate Professor, Sociology & Latino/Latin American StudiesUNOMigration and immigration, race/ethnic/minority relations, theory
Timothy SchaffertProfessor & Director of Creative Writing, EnglishUNLCreative writing, fiction writing
Mark SchererProfessor, HistoryUNOLegal & constitutional, Native American legal history, Nebraska & Great Plains
Marilyn SchlakeRural Prosperity Nebraska Extension EducatorUNLCommunity economic development, entrepreneurship, nonprofits, strategic planning
Allison SchlosserAssistant Professor, Sociology & AnthropologyUNOSociocultural medical anthropology, ethnographic methods, anthropology of drug use, and health disparities. 
Richard SchuesslerProfessor, Art and DesignUNKVisual communications, typography
Anthony SchutzAssociate Professor, Law; Associate Dean for FacultyUNLAgricultural, environmental law, land use
Casey SegerCollections Manager, Great Plains Art MuseumUNLDigital humanities, museum studies, digital asset management
Julie ShafferProfessor, Biology; Co-Chair of DepartmentUNKInvertebrate microbial iteractions
Tanya ShenkResearch Coordinator, National Park ServiceUNLGreat Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Unit, ecology, conservation biology, endangered species, whooping cranes
Robert ShepardAssistant Professor, GeographyUNLCartography, GIS, population geography and urban historical geography
Susan M. SheridanAssociate Dean, Research and Creative Activity; George Holmes Prof., Educational Psychology; Director, Neb. Center for Research on Children, Youth, FamiliesUNLParent-teacher behavioral consultation
Jessica ShoemakerSteinhart Foundation Distinguished Professor, LawUNLCommunity economic development, federal Indian law, land use, property law
Martha ShulskiProfessor, Natural Resources; Director, Nebraska State Climate Office; State ClimatologistUNLClimate variability, change and impacts
Robert ShusterAssociate Professor, GeologyUNOGranites, growth of the North American continental crust
Patricia SimpsonProfessor, Modern Languages & Literatures (German)UNLGerman literature and immigration, language learning
Kelly SmithDrought Impacts Researcher, Assistant Director and Communications Coordinator, National Drought Mitigation CenterUNLDrought impacts, climate impacts, crowdsourcing, big data, drought signal
Jordan SolizProfessor, Communication Studies; Leland J. & Dorothy H. Olson Chair, Arts & SciencesUNLIntergroup processes in family, personal, and community relationships, multiethnic-racial families
Suzanne Maughan SpencerSociology Department ChairUNKRural youth as they transition to adulthood, and the impact that they will have in their home communities
Liahnna StanleyAssistant Professor, Communications and Ethnic StudiesUNLRhetoric and cultural studies, literary criticism, speculative fiction, Indigenous sovereignty and critical theory 
Christopher SteinkeAssociate Professor & Graduate Program Chair, HistoryUNKPlains Indians, waterways, Pawnee, Arikaras, environmental history
Crystal StilesAdjunct Professor, Natural Resources; Tribal Engagement Coordinator, NIDIS-NOAA-CIRESUNLClimate science, drought management, river basins, geography
Matthew StocktonProfessor, Agricultural Economics; West Central Research & Extension CenterUNLEducation and development of sustainable and profitable farm and ranch businesses, risk and decision making
Asa StoneResearch Assistant Professor Agricultural Economics, Editor of Great Plains ResearchUNLRegional climate resilience, community wellbeing, research ethics 
William StoutamireAssistant Professor, HistoryUNKMaterial culture, historic preservation, U.S. West, heritage tourism
Xianhgmin SunResearch Assistant Professor, micrometeorologistUNLGreenhouse gases from agricultural ecosystems (corn and soybean) and pasture sites in the Great Plains
Mark SvobodaDirector, National Drought Mitigation Center; Climatologist, Natural ResourcesUNLWater, drought, natural resources, weather, drought early warning
Erin SweeneyAssociate Professor – Health and Physical Education, Graduate Program ChairUNKHealth pedagogy, adolescent health, substance use, and sexual health
Tsegaye TadesseResearch Professor, Natural Resources; Geospatial Coordinator, National Drought Mitigation CenterUNLDrought monitoring, natural resource management
Zhenghong TangProfessor & Program Director, Community & Regional PlanningUNLEnvironmental planning, geospatial science and technology
Brigitte TenhumbergProfessor, Biological SciencesUNLPlant and insect ecology, life history evolution
Elizabeth Theiss-MorseWilla Cather Professor, Political ScienceUNLPublic opinion concerning democracy and civil liberties
William Thomas IIIJohn & Catherine Angle Chair, Humanities; Professor, History; CAS Associate Dean, Research & Graduate EducationUNLCivil War, U.S. South, slavery, digital history
Eric ThompsonKarl H. Nelson Associate Professor, Economics; Director, Bureau of Business ResearchUNLRegional economics
Julie TippensAssociate Professor, Child, Youth & Family StudiesUNLForced migration and global health, social and structural determinants of refugees' health and wellbeing
Julia TorquatiProfessor, Family and Consumer ScienceUNLChild/development, early childhood education
Judith TurkAssistant Professor, Natural ResourcesUNLSoil morphology and genesis
Nathan TyeAssistant Professor, HistoryUNKAgricultural history, Great Plains history
Andrew TyreProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLWildlife population, ecology
Natalie UmphlettRegional Climatologist, Natural ResourcesUNLMeteorology, climatology
David VailAssociate Professor, HistoryUNKHistory of aerial pesticide application and food production in North American grasslands
Elizabeth VanWormerAssociate Professor of Practice, Natural ResourcesUNLDisease organisms, wildlife habitat, agriculture, nitrates
Isabel VelázquezProfessor & Graduate Chair, SpanishUNLSociolinguistics, bilingualism, US Spanish, language contact, heritage speaker pedagogy, minority language maintenance and loss
Theresa WadkinsProfessor & Chair, Criminal JusticeUNKProcrastination, teaching issues, and assessment
LuAnn WandsniderProfessor, Anthropology; Associate Director, SGISUNLPre-Columbian archaeology of the North American central/high plains
Ran WangAssistant Professor, Environmental Spatial ScientistUNLBiodiversity, productivity, ecosystem function, energy balance, climate feedback, remote sensing 
Brian WardlowProf., Natural Resources; Director, Center for Advanced Land Management Information TechnologiesUNLGIS, drought monitoring
Michelle WarrenAssociate Professor, SpanishUNKThemes of culture, nationality, and ethnicity; theatre, film, and narrative
David WedinProfessor, Natural ResourcesUNLGrassland, savanna ecology, carbon/nitrogen cycling
Laurinda WeisseUniversity Archivist & Digital Repository Manager, LibrariesUNKEthnic studies, history, Nebraska, women and gender
Jeffrey WestropAssistant Geoscientist, Natural ResourcesUNLAqueous geochemistry, biogeochemistry, sedimentology, water quality
Ashley WilkinsonDirector/Curator, Great Plains Art MuseumUNLTwentieth-century American art, New Deal-era printmaking
Steve WillbornJudge Harry A. Spencer Professor of LawUNLEmployment law, discrimination, legal history, and legal theory
Kelly WillemssensLecturer, School of Natural ResourcesUNLEcology, insect physiology, and animal behavior
Sandra WilliamsAssociate Professor, ArtUNLMixed media, the animal in art and aesthetics, art and well-being
Cynthia Willis-EsquedaAssociate Professor, Psychology, Ethnic StudiesUNLRace and ethnic bias, Native American populations
James A. WilsonProfessor, BiologyUNOZoology, mammalogy, physiological ecology
Kim WilsonProfessor, Landscape Architecture; Special Assistant to the DeanUNLDesign, landscape representation
Kenneth J. WinkleSorensen Professor, HistoryUNL19th Century U.S. political, social, cultural, military history
David WishartProfessor Emeritus, GeographyUNLHuman geography, Indigenous Peoples, Great Plains
LaReesa WolfenbargerProfessor & Chair, BiologyUNOEffects of agriculture on grassland ecosystems
Sharon E. WoodProfessor, HistoryUNOWomen in America, 19th Century U.S. social and cultural history, material culture
Donna WoudenbergLecturer, Women's & Gender StudiesUNLHuman interactions with the environment
Melissa WuellnerAssociate Professor, BiologyUNKFisheries ecology and management, human dimensions of wildlife and fisheries
Judy Wu-SmartExtension & Research EntomologistUNLBee Lab leader, pesticide exposure, landscapes, stressors on bee behavior
Sarah ZuckermanAssociate Professor, Teaching, Learning & Teacher EducationUNLState-level educational policy implementation and school-community partnerships, particularly in the context of rural communities