Great Plains Fellows: Geography

J. Clark ArcherProfessor, GeographyUNLUrban and regional geographer, GIS
John T. BauerProfessor, GeographyUNKHuman, historical geography, GIS
Randy BertolasProfessor, Geography; Chair, History, Politics, and GeographyWayne StateRecreation, tourism and sports, natural disasters, geography education, utilizing GIS in mapping
Brian BlouetHuby Professor, Geography & International EducationWilliam & MaryPolitical geography, U.S. settlement
Vijendra BokenProfessor, GeographyUNKWater resources, agriculture, remote sensing
Rebecca BullerAssistant Professor of Practice, GeographyUNLCultural & historical geography in the Great Plains, Women's history, geographic education
Paul BurgerProfessor, GeographyUNKGIS, economic, population, and political geography
H. Jason CombsProfessor & Chair, GeographyUNKUrban, cultural/historical, research methods
Christina DandoDepartment Chair & Professor, GeographyUNOGender and landscape, Great Plains cultural history
Jeremy DillonProfessor, GeographyUNKSoils, geomorphology
Glen FredlundAssociate Professor Emeritus, GeographyUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeGeography, anthropology, geomorphology
Jeanne Kay GuelkeProfessor Emeritus, GeographyUniversity of Waterloo, CanadaHistorical geography of human interactions with wilderness
R. Leslie HeathcoteProfessor Emeritus, GeographyFlinders University of South AustraliaHistorical geography, environmental perception, drought
Robert HitchcockProfessor, GeographyMichigan State UnviersityAnthropology, human ecology of populations in arid and semi-arid ecosystems
Douglas A. HurtAssistant Teaching Professor, Geography; Director of Undergraduate StudiesUniversity of MissouriCultural and historical geography, geography education, North America
Andrew HusaLecturer, GeographyUNLRural geography, small town identity, and attachment to rural landscape, especially in the Great Plains
Todd KerstetterProfessor, History & GeographyTexas Christian University19th- and 20th-Century Trans-Mississippi West, environmental history, Gilded Age/Progressive Era
Jon KilpinenDean, College of Arts & Sciences; Professor, GeographyValparaiso UniversityAmerican historical geography, Europe, political geography, GIS
Ryan KlataskeFounder & Principal; Adjunct Assistant ProfessorApplied Ethnographic Services; University of Nebraska Medical CenterAnthropology, ethnography, agriculture, work, environment, health, and rural life
David KrommProfessor Emeritus, GeographyKansas State UniversityWater resources, natural resources management
Katherine NashleanasLecturer, GeographyUNLHuman geography, Nebraska geography, teaching geography
G. Malcom LewisSenior Lecturer Emeritus, GeographyUniversity of Sheffield, EnglandGeography
Joseph MasonProfessor & Department Chair, GeographyUniversity of Wisconsin-MadisonGeomorphology, Quaternary geology, hillslope geomorphology
Sarah NelsonAssistant Professor, Geography, Affiliate of Medical Humanities, Native American StudiesUNOOral ways of knowing, aging in Indigenous communities, cultural safety in health care
Tyra OlstadAssistant Professor, Geography & Environmental SustainabilitySUNY - OneontaEnvironmental science, monitoring, and history
Bradley RundquistDean, Dean's Office A&S; Professor, GeographyUniversity of North DakotaRemote sensing, GIS, prairie ecosystems
Fred ShelleyProfessor Emeritus GeographyUniversity of OklahomaPolitical geography, environmental policy, world economy
Robert ShepardAssistant Professor, GeographyUNLCartography, GIS, population geography and urban historical geography
Robert WatrelAssociate Professor, Department Head, GeographySouth Dakota State UniversityHuman geography, political geography, cartography
Randy WiddisProfessor Emeritus, GeographyUniversity of ReginaCultural-historical geography, rural geography, population geography
David WishartProfessor, GeographyUNLHuman geography, Indigenous Peoples, Great Plains