Great Plains Fellows: Law

Julie CampbellProfessor, Criminal JusticeUNKCriminal justice, women and crime
Richard DuncanSherman S. Welpton Jr. Professor, LawUNLProperty, constitutional law
Joseph DuprisAttorneyOregonEnvironment, Native Americans
Christian FritzProfessor Emeritus, LawUniversity of New MexicoU.S. legal history, Western legal history, California history
Alan GlessEmeritus District Court JudgeNebraska 5th Judicial DistrictNebraska Law, jury instruction language, self-incrimination, common law
Ronald GriffinProfessor, LawFlorida A&M UniversityInternational trade and sales, international law
Stephen KalishMargaret R. Larson Professor Emeritus, LawUNLLaw and humanities, legal process, ethics
Arthur McEvoyProfessor Emeritus, LawSouthwestern Law SchoolEnvironmental law, water rights, California fisheries
Frank PommersheimProfessor Emeritus, LawUniversity of South DakotaIndian law, federal jurisdiction, rights of indigenous peoples, criminal law, criminal procedure
Anthony SchutzAssociate Professor, Law; Associate Dean for FacultyUNLAgricultural, environmental law, land use
Jessica ShoemakerSteinhart Foundation Distinguished Professor, LawUNLCommunity economic development, federal Indian law, land use, property law
John SnowdenProfessor Emeritus, LawUNLLegal process, jurisprudence, criminal law
Samuel WalkerProfessor Emeritus, Criminal JusticeUNOHistory, American culture, police in America
Steve WillbornJudge Harry A. Spencer Professor of LawUNLEmployment law, discrimination, legal history, and legal theory